Enhancing the Sustainability of Data Centres – what can the Fit-for-55 Package do?
Enhancing the Sustainability of Data Centres – what can the Fit-for-55 Package do? :

On Tuesday 22 February, EPEE and the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA) hosted a public online policy event on sustainable data centres and in particular how EU policies can support the uptake of waste energy recovery in the sector.

Institutional speakers included MEP Jutta Paulus (Greens/EFA, Germany), as well as Claudia Canevari and Madis Laaniste from the European Commission’s DG ENER. Industry perspectives were presented by Max Schulze from SDIA and Jakob Jul Jensen, Director Digital Infrastructure at Danfoss.

We were delighted to welcome over 140 stakeholder representatives to the discussion. Overall, a strong commitment from both industry and policymakers towards mandatory sustainability reporting requirements for data centres and towards a stronger policy push to make more and better use of waste heat from data centres could be felt.


Supporting documents: 

The slides shown by Max Jakob Jul Jensen from Danfoss on ‘Industry solutions for Sustainable Data Centres – waste heat recovery and energy system integration’ can be found here.

Under this link you can find a blog entry by SDIA’s Max Schulze with his key insights and presentation from the webinar.

EPEE’s and SDIA’s detailed respective recommendations on Data Centres and the EU Energy Efficiency Directive here and here.

Agenda of the event: 

  • Welcome – ​Folker Franz (EPEE Director General) 
  • Keynote speech – MEP Jutta Paulus
  • Presentation by Claudia Canevari, DG ENER, European Commission
  •  Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030: challenges and opportunities of Cooling as a Service – Max Schulze (SDIA Founder)
  • Industry solutions for Sustainable Data Centres – waste heat recovery and energy system integration – Jakob Jul Jensen, Director Digital Infrastructure at Danfoss
  • Tour de table + Open Q&A with audience
  • Closing remarks – Daan Terpstra (SDIA Managing Director) and Folker Franz (EPEE Director General)
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